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How Much Will $10k Invested in These Dividend Aristocrats Grow to by 2025?

Investors don’t have to look far to find justification for investing in dividend aristocrats. Generally speaking, dividends are an excellent way to secure stable returns and compound one’s wealth. For example, from the year 2000 to 2020 the S&P 500 Index returned 129.95% without associated dividends. Investors who reinvested the dividends into the index during the same period would have seen their returns jump to 235.65% . The dividend aristocrats have increased their payouts for each of the last 25 years. To do so a firm has to be stable. Dividends require cash. Thus, paying uninterrupted dividends for 25 consecutive years requires stability. That’s the general logic behind investing in the dividend aristocrats. How much could $10K invested in each of these dividend Aristocrats grow to buy 2025? Let’s take a look. Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) Source: Sundry Photography / A bullish investor who wagers $10K on Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ ) stock at the moment has a lot to look forward to....

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