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3 Internet of Things (IoT) Stocks with the Potential to Make You an Overnight Millionaire

By now, you’ve heard of the Internet of Things (IoT) — or the network of physical devices, vehicles and other things embedded with sensors, software and network connectivity, which allows them to collect and share data . That includes smart thermostats, smartwatches, vehicles and industrial machines to name a few. There have even been calls for “smart cities” based on IoT. All of which is a catalyst for some of the top IoT stocks. Plus, according to IBM (NYSE: IBM ), “The number of IoT devices is expected to continue to grow rapidly, with estimates suggesting that there will be tens of billion IoT devices in use over the next few years. This growth will be driven by increased adoption across industries, as well as the development of new use cases and applications.” “Artificial intelligence and machine learning are becoming increasingly important for IoT, as they can be used to analyze vast amounts of data that is generated by IoT devices and extract meaningful insights. This can help businesses make more informed decisions and optimize their operations,” they added....

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