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3 Potential Turnaround Stocks Ready to Reclaim Their Thrones in 2024

Turnaround stocks are like hidden gems, poised for great things after weathering a period of adversity. Investors have to have a keen eye for potential when searching them out. Recently, it’s become apparent that the three companies on this list have been making a change in 2024 and are becoming turnaround stocks as they now offer new high-growth prospects. The first company is a pioneer in electric vehicles (EVs) that is showing signals of a revival. With an astounding increase in car deliveries year-over-year (YOY), the business is quickly securing its place in the cutthroat EV industry. The second company represents the entertainment industry and shows tenacity and flexibility in the age of streaming. Its emphasis on streaming services has resulted in notable gains in revenue from subscribers and increases in advertising. It has also created strategic alliances and initiatives to expand internationally, suggesting a bright future for the company. The third company is a model example of innovation and reinvention in the technology industry....

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