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7 Dividend Aristocrats Paying Sky-High Yields: April 2024

Few investment strategies have performed as well for as long as dividend investing. Numerous studies show that buying stocks that have initiated a dividend and then increased it over time beat all other stocks on the market. That’s why Dividend Aristocrat stocks are the cream of the crop. To become dividend ro yalty , companies need to be members of the S&P 500 and to have hiked their payout for 25 consecutive years or more. It would seem a relatively simple task but the rarity of it shows why these stocks are the elite. Of the thousands of stocks on the market, only 67 companies have passed the test. While the list is always evolving as even some Dividend Aristocrat stocks have trouble maintaining the pace , these companies tend to be profitable, successful businesses that have proven their worth over many business and economic cycles. They have been through war and famine, recessions and depressions, and continue to reward their shareholders by sharing their success. The following seven Dividend Aristocrat stocks pay some of the highest yields, too....

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