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New EU regulations target Shein’s counterfeit fashion problem

Image: The Verge Shein, one of the most popular online shopping platforms, will be required to comply with strict regulations under the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA), the European Commission announced today . The fast-fashion company reported having more than 45 million average monthly users in the EU, earning it the designation of a “very large online platform” (VLOP). The label applies to the biggest tech companies like Amazon, AliExpress, Meta, and TikTok and requires them to comply with rules around content moderation and user privacy and safety. In February, the European Commission handed down more general rules that apply to all platforms except the smallest. The European Commission specifically noted new requirements for Shein around illegal products on its site. The company will have four months to submit a risk assessment report and will need to introduce mitigation measures against “the listing and sale of counterfeit goods, unsafe products, and items that infringe on intellectual property rights.” Shein, which sells its own products and acts as a marketplace for third-party sellers, has been plagued by accusations of counterfeits and copyright violations....

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