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Inflation-Proof Superstars: 3 Top Consumer Staples Stocks to Own Now

Traditionally, consumer staples stocks are seen by the Street primarily as safe havens during recessions. But that tradition was formed during a 50-year period in which America experienced very little of what we’re seeing now: relatively strong economic growth and relatively high inflation. During such periods, some staples providers are often able to raise prices faster than their costs are climbing. As a result, these firm’s stocks can be worth buying for conservative investors, value investors and growth-at-a-reasonable-price investors who are looking for a low-risk stock with some growth potential. Consumer staples stocks carry little risk because well-established staples providers are not going to go bankrupt and the chances of their shares tumbling tremendously are quite low. Moreover, in many cases, their valuations are quite attractive. On the other hand, during the period when most of the Street was wrongly convinced that a recession was inevitable, many staples stocks became very expensive and some of them remain too costly....

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