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Putting Microsoft's faltering Xbox console sales in context

Zoom in / Range is important, especially when talking about relative console sales. Urich Lawson | Getty Images Yesterday Microsoft Announce It achieved a 31 percent discount on Xbox hardware in the first quarter of 2024 (ending March) from the previous year, a decline it says was “driven by a decline in the volume of consoles sold.” And it's not because the console sold well a year ago either; Xbox revenue for the first calendar quarter of 2023 It was already down 30 percent From the previous year. Both of these data points speak to a console struggling to significantly grow its player base during what should, historically, be its strongest sales period. But getting broader context for these numbers is a bit difficult because of the way Microsoft announces its Xbox sales numbers (i.e. only in terms of quarter-over-quarter changes in total console hardware revenue). Comparing these annual shifts to the unit sales numbers that Nintendo and Sony announce every quarter isn't exactly easy....

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